
IOM Holds Trainings in Regions

IOM held trainings in regions. Photo: IOM

IOM held trainings in regions. Photo: IOM

Goranboy, Ganja - As part of the KOICA-funded project ‘Integrated Rural Development for IDP Communities in Azerbaijan through Revitalization of Kahriz Water Supply System,’ IOM trained a total of 40 kankans (artisans who construct and rehabilitate kahrizes, a traditional, sustainable water supply system) on “Safety during Kahriz Rehabilitation”, “First Aid”, and “Awareness Raising on Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).”

The first training, focused on safety measures during Kahrizrehabilitation process, was delivered by the Senior Engineers of IOM holding long-term expertise on kahriz systems.

Through the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, IOM also facilitated the First Aid training, which enriched the overall training with practical tips for first aid. Awareness Raising on PSEA was also delivered by the IOM staff to communicate the ethical behaviour values on PSEA to the participants.

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