
IOM Azerbaijan conducts online financial literacy training for youth from 10 different regions

IOM Azerbaijan conducts online financial literacy training for youth from 10 different regions. Photo: IOM

IOM Azerbaijan conducts online financial literacy training for youth from 10 different regions

IOM Azerbaijan conducts online financial literacy training for youth from 10 different regions

IOM Azerbaijan conducts online financial literacy training for youth from 10 different regions

Baku - The International Organization for Migration (IOM), a UN migration agency, has launched a four-week intensive online business and financial literacy training for youth selected from different regions within the framework of the USAID-funded ‘Public Action for Resilience (PAR) Activity’ project. The training, which lasts from June 18 to July 18, aims at improving the managerial skills and financial literacy.

The majority of the participants are those who have affiliation with Youth Houses, and Career Development Centers in the regions out of the capital. The training will cover basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of fundamentals of economics, financial and management accounting, and business administration.

All training costs are covered by the project. Upon completion of the training, participants will be awarded certificates.