
IOM Azerbaijan officially handed over the rehabilitated karhiz in the Goranboy district

IOM Azerbaijan officially handed over the rehabilitated Karvansara kahriz located in Garadaghli village of Goranboy district to the local community within the IOM’s “Integrated Rural Development for IDP communities in Azerbaijan through Revitalization of Kahriz Water Supply System” project funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The rehabilitated kahriz, which is 1037 meters long and has 17 wells, is the longest kehriz rehabilitated under the current project, and it will provide 68 ha of arable lands belonging to 50 rural households with irrigation water. Consequently, it will lead to growth in agricultural production and an increase in incomes of the rural population. In addition, laboratory analysis of the water from Karvansara kahriz proves that this kahriz water can be also used for drinkable purposes.  

Shamkhal Hasanov, the deputy head of the Goranboy district's executive power highlighted the significance of rehabilitating kahrizes for the region's economy.

“Each kahriz that is rehabilitated and made available contributes to increased productivity in the area. Water shortage is a major concern for the district's population, with nearly 80% of appeals to the executive power related to this issue. The rehabilitation of kahrizes will help alleviate this problem, leading to reduced requests for water and improved agricultural yields for the local population,” said Shamkhal Hasanov.

A resident of Garadagli village, Nazaket Aliyeva, expressed how the villagers have long suffered from water scarcity and were unable to cultivate their land. However, with the restoration of kahrizes, dozens of families will now be able to utilize their land and sustain their livelihoods.

The chairman of the Garadagli village community, Samandar Musayev, noted the significant work being done by the International Migration Organization for the village population. He mentioned that the shortage of water prevented them from utilizing the villagers’ land in the area. However, with the rehabilitation of kahriz, they have already planted their land and are looking forward to a fruitful harvest. Musayev expressed deep gratitude for the important work done by the organization.

According to him, the Water Users' Union, created as part of the project and with the active involvement of community members, will ensure the long-term functionality of the village's crucial water source through consistent maintenance efforts.

Within the KOICA funded project, IOM Azerbaijan has already rehabilitated 30 kahrizes in Agdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Goranboy, Goygol, Gazakh and Shamkir districts.

The main objective of the project is to prevent forced economic migration by improving access to water resources in rural communities in Azerbaijan. This is achieved through the enhancement of agricultural productivity and livelihoods by providing water infrastructure and creating income-generating opportunities linked to kahriz rehabilitation.

By addressing these objectives, the project contributes to three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Azerbaijan. These include reducing poverty and ensuring food security (SDG 1), promoting gender equality and empowering women in decision-making processes (SDG 5), and rehabilitating eco-friendly and sustainable water supply systems to enhance access to safe drinking water (SDG 6). The project also aligns with SDG target 10.7, which focuses on facilitating safe and responsible migration and mobility.

SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 13 - Climate Action
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals