
IOM held Gender trainings in Aghdam district

Gender training at Banovshalar settlement. Photo: IOM

Gender training at Banovshalar settlement. Photo: IOM

Gender training at Ahmadaghaly-Kolgishlag village. Photo: IOM

Baku - IOM Azerbaijan staff organized the Gender trainings for community members of Banovshalar IDP settlement and Ahmadaghaly, Kolgishlag villages located in Aghdam district within the current IOM Project “Integrated Rural Development for IDP communities in Azerbaijan through Revitalization of Kahriz Water Supply System” financed by KOICA.

The Key Learning Objectives of the trainings were to achieve understanding by the attendees of the importance of equality of and equity for both genders, encourage women member of the community to actively participate in the community level decision-making and community mobilization, raise awareness of the participants on the role of both genders in water resource management, bring together women and men onto the round table where they can discuss together main challenges for the water supply for their community.

The four-year project aims to provide safe and consistent water supplies for over 8,000 families in eight districts through the renovation of 40 kahrizes – a traditional, sustainable water supply system.