
IOM representative discussed disaster risk reduction of vulnerable groups

IOM representative discussed disaster risk reduction of vulnerable groups. Photo: IOM

Baku - On 18-19 September 2019, Vladimir Gjorgjiev, Chief of Mission of the IOM Azerbaijan-UN Migration Agency participated at the workshop “Inclusion of vulnerable groups in Disaster Risk Reduction” organised and hosted by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in cooperation with the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) of the Council of Europe and UNICEF Baku Office.

The workshop brought together international partners, government agencies, stakeholders, representatives of civil society and local NGOs, and experts from countries with concrete experience and knowledge of good practices in the field of protection and promotion of human rights in disasters and inclusive approach to vulnerable groups.

The workshop provided an opportunity to present the results of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement and other international and national activities in these areas, to identify the needs of vulnerable groups and challenges faced by people with disabilities, migrants, displaced persons, refuges and children.

The IOM presentation at this workshop produced а great interest about IOM extensive experience in supporting the design and rollout of disaster risk reduction policies and practices that fully account for migrants and their needs and capabilities and build upon their active participation.

During the presentation Gjorgjiev gave a wide-ranging information about the Migrants in Countries in Crisis Initiative (MCIC), a state-led consultative process to identify recommendations and practices to reduce the vulnerability of migrants and to better assist and protect them in the event of an emergency. As a result of the initiative MICIC Guidelines were produced as a guiding principle to protect migrants in countries experiencing conflict or natural disaster.

Gjorgijev also talked about IOM recommendations included in the MICIC Guidelines, targeting the institutions in migrants’ countries of origin and destination with tailored sets of activities. He further presented examples that illustrated practical ways of improving the protection of migrants at different phases, starting from the crisis preparedness, emergency response and post-crisis recovery. He emphasise the need for further engagement with relevant local and international partner institutions, with aim to promote inclusive preparedness model for all vulnerable groups as part of the Disaster Risk Reduction activities.  

The MCIC Initiative supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals of reducing inequality Goal 10, Target 10.7 - Facilitating safe, regular and orderly migration through well-managed migration policies.