
UN IOM Azerbaijan Participated in the UN Day Event

UN IOM Azerbaijan participated in the UN Day event. Photo: IOM

Baku - The UN Day event titled “COP26 – securing brighter future for all” has brought together some 90 participants from the government agencies, diplomatic missions, private sector, civil society, and the media. They discussed actions to tackle climate change focusing on the role of the governments, civil society, and private sector. As many countries look to rebuild their economies in the wake of the pandemic, the participants also exchanged views on ‘building back better’ through a green recovery.

“We need more ambitious pledges and decisive actions to reach the Paris Agreement targets,” Vladanka Andreeva, the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, said in the opening ceremony of the UN Day event dedicated to the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.

The opening session was followed by panel discussions with the participation of experts from the government, civil society, and private sector, as well as a youth activist, who participated at the pre-COP26 conference in Milan, Italy.

On the same day, the UN Office in Azerbaijan has signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund and the Small and Medium Business Development Agency to promote corporate sustainability through the UN Global Compact.

SDG 13 - Climate Action